An email from Bill Galvin '64, Reunion Book editor

See the 60th Reunion Book now!

May 10, 2024

Dear Y64 Classmates:

The 60th Reunion Book is in production, but you don't have to wait for it. You can download a PDF version right now by clicking the following link. It's a long download but it's worth the wait.

Download the 60th Reunion Book

Later, you'll receive a bound copy of the book if you requested one (or registered for the reunion, or wrote an essay for the book). The shipment of the books has been delayed because of an error by the printer, but we're still hoping that you'll receive your bound copy before the reunion.

If you haven't registered for the reunion, please do so now by going to the following link:

Register for the Reunion

Your earlier preregistration doesn't count; you have to register for the reunion itself. And don't delay, because online registration will close on May 16.

We look forward to seeing you in New Haven on May 23!

Best wishes,

Bill Galvin
Reunion Book Editor
917-453-2959 (mobile)